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You are my dream


The mystery of the dream, where is it?

Where is it that does not appear?

At least to show me what life is

And when sleeping am I alive?


What do my violets know about that?

What response does my piano have, my books and works of art?

What about me, that nothing I am beyond them, what can I say?

To state that it is another part of me that is about to unveil?


Always when I am dreaming I think about this mystery.

Is my body displaced and goes to your encounter?

Does your spirit come to get mine?

Do angels unite us in tender and eternal mysteries?


Oh, today I dreamed about you once more.

I did not see you nor speak with you for too long.

When I found you, did I strongly encounter you in the deepest being?

Is it so that when I dream I leave myself and I will be with you without being aware?


In this evening dream, your feet were beautiful blue feathers.

Your radiant face with your revealing eyes was sweetness.

Your strong body, your long and soft hands touched me tenderly.

Your mouth, your gravelly and melodious voice were grey.


Oh, river of illusions that are like fresh water running through the stone.

But the hidden meaning of things

Just have meaning because things are mysterious.

Mysteries that give hidden meaning to my life.


São Paulo – November 2011.

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